Monday, June 25, 2007

My first visitor...

So this week I had my first visitor in Guatemala. I got a call on my cell phone around lunch time on Wednesday from my cousin, Sebastian, telling me he was in Guatemala city, it was an awesome surprise. My host family welcomed him and loved having him...I think they liked him more than me :) . Sebastian was taking a class in Costa Rica and is making his way back to Montreal, that is a long road trip. He ended up helping out in our construction of the lavamanos. My cousin is somewhat of a traveling musician, so we had jam sessions with the guitar, drums, and another trainee brought her Irish actually sounded pretty good.

On Saturday we headed for lake Atitlan to meet up with a friend of Sebastian's. We had a blast, the lake is awesome and the little towns around the lake even better. I participated in my first street performance, here is a picture of us jamming out in the street. I was on the maracas...unfortunately I didn't have my trusty cow bell with me...but I held my own on the maracas. My cousin's friend also helped out with the singing. We did pretty good, made about 60Q in about an hour...not too shabby for my first street performance and I had a blast. I headed back on Sunday and my cousin stayed behind, hopefully we will meet up before he heads north again!

Other than that not too much going on here. On Wednesday we find out our site locations. It is actually pretty exciting...this is where I'll be for the next two years! Thanks for reading! Here is a link to more pictures of the lake...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good stuff, and awesome pictures. glad to see you're doin well.